What's Hot and What's Not in App Dev

Nancy Anderson
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Programming and coding continues to be one of the hottest trends for 2017 in terms of hiring. High-paying jobs at top companies and six-figure freelancing opportunities are possibilities if you have programming, IT or application development skills. Take a look at what's hot and what's not in app dev for 2017.


Video is still a hot commodity in app dev, and it's getting more pervasive. Rather than full-fledged videos in apps, video tags on the screen indicate places to draw your eyes. The video tags move as if a few JPGs or GIFs are strung together in sequence. For example, you might see a dog standing still on the screen, but video tags make the dog's tail wag. Static tags that keep images the same on the screen are out. Movement that captures someone's attention represents one key to getting people to tap or swipe on someone's content.


Big data is all the rage, but how companies process data is changing in 2017. Large tech firms, such as Google, have petabytes or yottabytes worth of data stored that provides information on people's web browsing habits. However, most businesses don't need this level of data analysis. Small businesses can use data storage on 16 gigabytes of memory because the streaming data from an SSD doesn't need a lot of memory.

Rather than running analytics with Hadoop cloud running alongside your computer system, you can get sufficient data analysis from your own computer. App dev may focus less on data analytics in the cloud and more on apps that run with smaller systems. Retailers love analytics, and apps offer ways to collect information on customers' buying habits.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning is one of the very hot trends for 2017 in app dev. That's because more companies seek advantages by analyzing data with complex algorithms. When companies have better analysis tools, owners can make more pertinent decisions.

Artificial Intelligence also automates jobs with smarter robotics. Programmers and coders should start thinking about how to control new machines, whether they are drones, vacuums or automated robots that work alongside humans in factories. With continued investment in robotics, more tech firms need programmers and coders to update software on robots.

Web Pages

Single-page sites with layers of information and data can operate as apps. Rather than figuring out the layout of a website in terms of links or where to store data and plugins, app dev teams can simply create one web page apps that pull information from a database and puts it into the local app page on smartphone screens.

App dev continues to evolve. Companies and tech firms who need people on the cutting edge of these trends look to hire the best talent. If you want a career in coding, keep an eye on these topics as you look for opportunities.

Photo courtesy of FrameAngel at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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