The Need for Agility and Flexibility Could Hurt IT Departments

Nancy Anderson
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Advancements in technology have not only transformed how businesses operate, but have also impacted the need for IT departments. Although information technology employees were once in high demand, the need for flexibility and agility could ultimately hurt these departments.

The Third-Party Supplier

One of the most detrimental issues facing IT departments is companies that use of third-party consultants to manage data threats, data storage and networking. In some cases, businesses find it more cost effective to transfer the duties commonly held by information technology employees to companies that can support cloud computing, firewalls and troubleshooting. Instead of having IT employees on site, some companies opt to forego the salaries and benefit packages and outsource these services. The notion of "we can build it in-house" no longer serves as a profitable model when companies consider the financial benefits of securing bids for storage, networking and start-up applications. As a result, many employees now spend their time managing projects and communicating with these third-party companies instead of performing the technical work.

The Simplicity of Technology

User-friendly applications, equipment, hardware and software have also reduced the need for on-site IT departments. Complex networks and technology that's difficult to troubleshoot are becoming things of the past. In fact, even management and tech-savvy employees are skilled in responding to or preventing data threats or malfunctions within software and hardware programs. With an employee base that has grown up using computers, is well-versed in coding and has the know-how and experience to deploy products and services online, information technology departments ultimately suffer because of the agility and flexibility of the workforce.

The Middle Man

IT departments are finding their roles have significantly changed. Whereas IT professionals were commonly responsible for fixing computer issues for employees or providing space on networks for data, these experts are finding their expertise isn't needed as often. Incorporation of cloud-based technology allows employees and staff to easily share data with each other and clients. Access to video conferencing and multimedia solutions is more rampant and user friendly. IT professionals are primarily reserved for making decisions regarding third-party information technology suppliers and consulted on which technology best serves the company.

The Need Still Exists

IT departments may be taking on a new role when supporting company options; however, the departments aren't completely defunct. Companies are now adopting a new way of thinking when determining information technology needs. IT professionals are still valuable when evaluating partners and services as well as working with operations personnel to determine technology needs.

In the past, IT departments have played an important role in the operations of businesses. However, this role continues to change as technology evolves, which requires agility and flexibility on the part of every individual in the company.

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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