Strategies to Survive a Post-Graduation Slump

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I find this image so appealing because, truly, who hasn't felt that way after graduating college? Sometimes it can be difficult to forge on with a job search in this economy but trust those of us who have been through it: you can do it and it will get better. Even if you really miss the seemingly "easy" days of undergrad.

There are many sites now offering great resources that you can begin your search (and your search for advice) before you graduate, in the comfort of your dorm room, apartment, or campus center. I particularly like the real-world applications on these sites (such as a salary generator) and I encourage you to use them early and often. But what about the period of time after graduation when you are looking for work? What can you do to remain enthusiastic, hopeful and optimistic?

It's important to gain some perspective at that point. In fact, I think perspective is the single most important strategy to surviving any post-graduation slump. I graduated with two different degrees, jobless, and know that sometimes it's frustrating to see the silver lining. But, whatever it takes: please see the silver lining. If you worked hard for four years to achieve your degree, most likely (in today's economy) you won't graduate with a full-time job. It's hard to think that many people are in the same boat, but it's the truth. Use the resources available to you, including: networking events, alumni events, charitable causes where you can get involved, career counseling centers, and online resources.

If you can attend networking events in your field with young professionals, you will gain valuable insight into the job market and various companies in your desired city. Remember that if you graduate in May, it may be hard to meet people who are in the position to hire you immediately because summer is a notoriously tough-time to obtain a job. But don't give up: go to events with an open mind and ask about internship opportunities first. This shows that you're passionate about your field and willing to work for little-to-no pay. This isn't always the easy route to take, but it will show potential employers that you will work hard even if they're not in a position to hire you at the time.

Try to talk to others who are also job-seeking and trade advice. One can often find useful information from a casual conversation. Remember, even if the road seems tough ahead, you will find something at the right time.

Amy worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. Her strengths include: drafting speeches, writing talking points for media interviews, making corporate presentations, and writing for publications. Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.

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