Social Networking

Nancy Anderson
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The first and most important step to launching a social network marketing strategy is to determine how you want people ot find you in the network and in Google when your social network articles and blog posts get cataloged in the Google engine. ASK Google what key-phrases are best for your site. Google will tell you in many different ways. Do some research on what key-phrases are best for your business, industry, region and niche products? You will be surprised how people find your site. Look at your website stats and use Google, ask Google, what phrases are best.

Getting found in a social network is really just another way to get found in Google. The goal of the social network marketing is ultimately to create one more parallel means by which Google searchers will find your material. It is that reason why you need to determine which websites are the most Google-friendly. I have a list of the most Google friendly big sites, but rather than just tell you which ones to use, I prefer to train you how to determine for yourself if a network, or website, is Google friendly. Once you can judge for yourself then you can identify local sites and other sites that are more beneficial to your success.

Remember too that almost all sites are, in some ways, social networks. One example of a site that is very Google friendly is BlogTalkRadio. BTR is a site where you can host your own radio shows and it a a really great tool for that, but when you look at it you will see that it is also a social network for the radio show hosts and listeners. If you write articles for online exposure and you do not produce associated audio reads of the material then you should seriously consider BTR and hosting your own radio show. Not only is it more free exposure, but you will find that if you apply your keyword strategy in the tags in each radio show then you will find that you get really good exposure from Google from the tags you post for each radio show.

I recommend if you write articles and content that you get a free BTR account, do a few shows and watch how your tags for the shows get you ranked in Google. Take note of the phrases you use in the tags and how you get ranked in Google with the phrases you desire. It can take a few weeks after the show, but you will see how well it works ni a few weeks. I also highly recommend PRWeb, FaceBook (With a custom Web address), eZinearticles, Ning social networks and almost any blog that has a natural/real naming conventions. Natural naming conventions simply mean that the web address assigned when you post an article is the actual name of the article or close.

Rob Thrasher researches and writes about High Tech, Life and Homes and Business Success: SpotLight on Success Radio that airs on BlogTalkRadio, Live265 and reaching over a quarter million media consumers. Rob is the owner-founder of CyberVillage Social Networks.

Rob is the producer and host of the SpotLight on Success Radio Show which airs on/in BlogTalkRadio, Life and Homes Magazine and CyberVillage Radio about four times monthly. Find the show by Googling CyberVillage Radio. With over a quarter million media consumers and growing Rob interviews successful business people like Andy Kurtzig, serial entrepreneur and founder of Join us to learn what fuels the success of our guests. The show is available in iTunes and hundreds of other places. The show is currently honoring former military business founders.

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