Determining Your Ideal Client

Gina Deveney
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One of the primary benefits of working in accounting services is that practically every business that exists could utilize the talents of your firm. However, not every business may be the best fit for your company. Learn how to identify ideal clients and build a lifelong relationship with your valuable customers to boost your business.

Not Everyone is a Match

A common mistake accounting firms make is assuming that everyone is a good match or an ideal client. When you market your services to every single business within a 50-mile radius, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Catering to too many clients diminishes your ability to build successful and personalized relationships with your client base. In addition, you may be unable to identify key services these customers need and desire if you are marketing to everyone.

Your Current Clients Define Your Business

Think about the type of services you provide, and determine if you need a niche. For example, are most of your clients small businesses, or do you primarily work with large corporations? Look at the demographics and characteristics of your current customer base to identify the type of ideal client that best suits your business. An accounting firm able to establish themselves as experts in working with real estate firms may find more success than a firm seeking to work with all types of businesses. A strong analysis of your customers helps you determine where your firm excels, which also helps you determine the type of clientele you need to attract.

Patterns Can Determine Your Niche

Look closely at the patterns that exist within your clientele to determine your ideal client. Are you providing accounting services to a certain median age or gender? Do you commonly work with particular departments? When you evaluate the commonality within your clients you can begin to see a pattern that helps you to further solidify your niche in the accounting industry. Take this analysis one step further by building a persona of the best client so you can better market your firm to this niche.

What Problems Exist?

Your role as an accountant is to solve problems for your clients. Determine your ideal client by evaluating the most common areas of troubleshooting your staff handles. Do you specialize primarily in taxes or focus more on loan packages? Cater your services to the needs of your ideal demographic so you are better prepared to increase your client base and work with customers who can benefit from your team's specialized skills.

Although it can be argued that the ideal client varies, accounting firms willing to take a close and strategic look at their client base may have the upper hand when it comes to providing crucial services for businesses in need.

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