5 Ways To Find a Summer Job

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Summer is in full swing and with it are thousands of college students, graduate students, teens and new grads trying to land jobs in their desired field for the summer. This year, however, jobs are even harder to come by. With the tight job market, it's more important than ever to get creative in order to find the right summer opportunity.

If you're looking for a great summer job, there are a few things you can do that will help you beat the pack and find the right job for you.

Here are 5 ways to find a summer job:

  1. Look around for related job openings - Even if you can't find a job in your desired field, look for summer jobs in a related field or with a company that can give you great work experience. For example, if you want to be a journalist, working in the mail room of a newspaper can be a great way to learn about the industry and network with people who can help you find a job later in your career. If you want to work in the finance world, getting a job at a coffee shop next door to a large accounting office can help you meet people and observe the people who work there. Also, it doesn't hurt to know how an executive takes their coffee.
  2. Always follow up - No matter where you apply, always follow up after every application you submit. It's a professional courtesy and it can help you get hired if an employer is on the fence about you. It might not make a huge difference every time, but you only need it to matter once. Since it doesn't hurt your case, there is no drawback to doing it, so, follow up every time.
  3. Be open to new things - If you're having trouble finding work in your field, why not try something else for the summer? Sure, it might not be what you dreamed about when you graduated, but a summer working as a lifeguard or at an amusement park isn't a bad way to go. Working a job that is fun and gives you the flexibility to keep looking for something in your field isn't bad. Also, don't underestimate the benefits of working at a summer internship, even with companies that aren't "power players". A summer working in a small office can offer more hands-on experience and learning opportunities than a job as an assistant at a larger one.
  4. Network whenever you go out - Going out to a bar or club might feel like time to let your hair down, but it's also a great place to network. In fact, where I live, an hour spent talking to people at the local bar is the very best way to find a job, get an apartment or even find a plumber. Even in our digital age, word of mouth is powerful. So, meet people and let them know that you are looking for a summer job. Ask them if they have any suggestions or if they know of anyone who is hiring. You'll be surprised at how willing people will be to offer help.
  5. Tell everyone you know - When you're looking for a job, tell every single person you know. Your friends, their parents and aunts and uncles and so on. All you need is one good lead. The people you know are the same people who are most likely to be able to give you information and even open doors for you. So, don't keep your job search a secret.

Finding a summer job doesn't have to be hard. With the right job and the right attitude, it can be a great time to get some work experience and meet others who can help you with your career. What do you think about these tips? Have any of them worked for you in the past? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.



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